Work with Us

Find out more about us
A cooperative Banking Group.

We are a large Group present throughout Italy, thanks to our network of 65 local banks.  

Among the top banking groups in Italy, but first in terms of mutual trust, solidarity and collaborative spirit.





Why Us
More than a job

With us, you can promote the wellbeing of people and the areas we operate in, contributing to the common good and creating value to pass down to future generations.


Challenge is an integral part of the Cooperative Credit reform and our new identity as a Banking Group.

It is an historic challenge, never faced before: a large number of local banks harmonised in the structure of a single Banking Group, while remaining independent.

With us, you can take part of this challenge.

Smooth organisation
Smooth organisation

We are committed to building the new face of Cooperative Credit together and for this reason we are seeking talents who believe in the values of collaboration and sharing, distinctive features of the organisation we wish to be.

A valuable team
A valuable team

We are many, but we rely on the contribution of everyone. Each collaborator is important to us, because we believe that every individual has potential to discover and make the most of.

In fact, professional experiences, backgrounds and curriculum are the basis for building valuable teams that know how to make a difference.

Junior Enterprise of the University of Trento and Junior Enterprise of the University of Padua
JETN and JEst
Discover more

We are a young Group, we invest in young people and we collaborate with young people. Our firm belief of investing in new generations is a value to which we are strongly committed and that characterises us.

Career Fair
Discover more

Every year, the Cassa Centrale Group participates in the annual fair organised by the University of Trento to bring together the working world and the world of young, aspiring people looking for an enterprise where to carry out their internship and for a job opportunity in line with their studies and their professional ambitions.


A day spent together with young people who want to become part of a dynamic and rapidly growing reality, with offices located across Italy.

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